I was really excited to start toddler time again. We weren't going to do it, but we had so much fun with it last year when Shelli organized it that I felt like we really needed to do something again this year. I was mentioning this to Shelli and she suggested that everyone might be interested in doing it again--and sure enough they were. I volunteered to coordinate this time, we recruited a new toddler and her mom, and we started at our house this week. It was funny how the kids (and moms) remembered little things that made it such a special time. I'm really looking forward to the experiences we'll be having there for the rest of the year.
Last night I started a four-week photography course through continuing ed with Haley. The first night was really interesting; I'll have to post some of my homework this week.
This afternoon Katie and her cousin, Keirra, started a dance class together. Katie took dance all last year, but after 9 months of a class geared very much toward 2-year-olds, it was time for something a bit more grown up (and that taught actual dances and technique!). It was a grand time, and it was so fun to see the girls show how much they can really do. Some pics of my graceful girl and her equally graceful (but much more precise) cousin:
Yeah to everything! Thanks for doing toddler time- we love it! Thanks for doing dance with us- it's going to be so fun! And thanks (in advance) for learning photography tips that you can pass on to me!!!!
Yah for photography class. I am looking forward to seeing what you learn.
Can you tell me a bit more about toddler time. What do you do? How often do you meet? etc
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