Friday, January 1, 2010

Still here . . .

hanging on. One upper respiratory illness and three stomach bugs later, we're still hanging on . . .

Things I've learned over the last two weeks:
1. The best way to clean up a pop tart that has been crushed and scattered over the carpet: call the dog in to eat it.
2. You can entertain a toddler by laying on the floor next to him, moaning, for approximately 42.5 seconds. (Just long enough for the other parent to escape to another room to answer a business phone call.)
3. Christmas decorations start to self-destruct (okay, with a little help from a couple of tiny beings) if left up too long after Christmas. (Luckily, I found and reassembled everything that was missing!)
4. There are at least 4 different ways for a house to smell bad when its occupants are sick.
5. You can be well for the requisite 24 hours (or even 48 hours) after a stomach bug to return back to public and life in general, only to relapse even more violently than ever when you least expect it.

I had great intentions of doing a month-long challenge of some kind for January. I was so pumped (just wait, you'll love my ideas!), but here it is Jan. 1, and I am still recuperating. So, we'll see. But for now, we're just still hanging on . . .


bladenfamily said...

Sounds nasty! Keep recovering. You can do it!

LeAnn said...

Aww, you poor thing! I hope you can all start the new year off right with strong, healthy bodies!!!

Suzy said...

Oh Honey, feel better. I hope everyone is healthy (or on their way) and you can stay healthy for 2010.