Wednesday, July 30, 2008

100 days!

Today marks 100 days until my due date! I feel like I'm at that nowhere place in pregnancy where it's no longer new, I'm feeling big and uncomfortable, but I still have a long way to go. Instead of that exctied "when are you due?" that I got before I'm now getting "how much longer do you have?" when I run into friends. And considering I have to make it through every hot month while big and pregnant, it's feeling like I have a long time left. So, I'm commemorating every milestone along the way to make it feel like all I have to do is make it to the next milestone. Our next milestone is in just over 2 weeks when I enter the third trimester. Here's a belly shot of me today:
And this is what we've been doing to get ready for the baby:
-I bought crib bedding! This is the first step in getting the nursery ready.
-We're shopping for a minivan. Yeah! :s
-We've pretty much decided that remodeling isn't an option at this point, which is a disappointment because neither is buying a new house. Instead, we're trying to make the most of the space we have. I've pared down the kids' toys since the play room will become the nursery, and we'll continue to do that in phases. We also bought the kids a bunk bed in order to make more room for the toys in their room.
-Adam has finally brought up names, so we are starting to discuss now! His latest suggestion: Joseph.
-I ordered some baby clothes from the Children's Place, and bought a super soft fuzzy blanket for this winter baby (all Isaiah's baby blankets are thin and light since he was a summer baby).
Thanks for all your well-wishes and patience with me as I grumble through what really is a joyous event!


Kel said...

You look great! I am super excited for you. I wanted to let you know that our piano has made its way across the country. I know things are crazy for you, but if you are at all interested, please let me know. Also, I may be down your way in October for a couple of days while my darling husband gets a break from Afghanistan. If you have any favorite places you think we would enjoy, I am need of some suggestions. Thanks!

Suzy said...

You look AMAZING!! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes by quickly.

Jake and Stephanie Perrin said...

CUTE belly.. Let me tell you, Your adorable.

Mama D said...

You look really good, even if you are starting to feel big and uncomfortable! I appreciate your attitude about focusing on milestones and what you're doing to get ready for the baby. I can learn to apply that attitude towards many things in my own life!

I like the name your hubby suggested. I have a nephew named Joseph. :)

Mandie said...

Oh you look so great! You are glowing.. and I love the upside down hair do! I can't wait until Grace has hair so I can do fun things with it.

MerrittBadges said...

You look too good for that far along, especially when I know how hot it gets where you live! Not fair, but I hope the rest of the 95+ days. BTW, I thought of a boy's name that comes from OT that we really like: Joshua. Its a suggestion.